

tower cat-web-programming cat-web-programming::http-server

tower⮳ is a library of modular and reusable components for building robust networking clients and servers.

Tower provides a simple core abstraction, the tower::Service⮳ trait, which represents an asynchronous function taking a request and returning either a response or an error. It can be used to model both clients and servers.

An additional abstraction, the tower::Layer⮳ trait, is used to compose middleware with Services. A tower::Layer⮳ is a function taking a Service of one type and returning a Service of a different type. The tower::ServiceBuilder⮳ type is used to add middleware to a service by composing it with multiple Layers. The tower::Layer⮳ trait can be used to write reusable components that can be applied to very different kinds of services; for example, it can be applied to services operating on different protocols, and to both the client and server side of a network transaction.

A number of third-party libraries support tower⮳ and the tower::Service⮳ trait: hyper⮳, tonic⮳ (gRPC).



tower_http cat-web-programming cat-web-programming::http-server

Tower HTTP⮳ contains HTTP specific Tower utilities.

use std::iter::once;
use std::sync::Arc;

use bytes::Bytes;
use http::Request;
use http::Response;
use http::header::AUTHORIZATION;
use http::header::CONTENT_TYPE;
use http::header::HeaderName;
use http_body_util::Full;
use tower::BoxError;
use tower::ServiceBuilder;
use tower_http::add_extension::AddExtensionLayer;
use tower_http::compression::CompressionLayer;
use tower_http::propagate_header::PropagateHeaderLayer;
use tower_http::sensitive_headers::SetSensitiveRequestHeadersLayer;
use tower_http::set_header::SetResponseHeaderLayer;
use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer;
// use tower_http::validate_request::ValidateRequestHeaderLayer;

// Our request handler. This is where we would implement the
// application logic for responding to HTTP requests...
async fn handler(
    _request: Request<Full<Bytes>>,
) -> Result<Response<Full<Bytes>>, BoxError> {
    let empty_body = Full::new(Bytes::new());
    let builder = Response::builder()
        .header("X-Custom-Foo", "bar")

struct DatabaseConnectionPool;

impl DatabaseConnectionPool {
    fn new() -> Self {

// Shared state across all request handlers -
// in this case, a pool of database connections.
struct State {
    pool: DatabaseConnectionPool,

async fn main() {
    // Construct the shared state.
    let state = State {
        pool: DatabaseConnectionPool::new(),

    let content_length_from_response = 0;

    // Use tower's `ServiceBuilder` API to build a stack of tower
    // middleware wrapping our request handler.
    let _service = ServiceBuilder::new()
        // Mark the `Authorization` request header as sensitive
        // so it doesn't show in logs
        // High level logging of requests and responses
        // Share an `Arc<State>` with all requests
        // Compress responses
        // Propagate `X-Request-Id`s from requests to responses
        // If the response has a known size set the `Content-Length` header
        //// Authorize requests using a token
        //// Accept only application/json, application/* and */*
        //// in a request's ACCEPT header
        // Wrap the `Service` in our middleware stack

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