
Install and manage Rust toolchains with rustup

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rustup⮳ is a toolchain multiplexer. It installs, manages, and upgrades versions of the rust compiler rustc, the Rust package manager cargo, the Rust linter clippy, the Rust code formatter rustfmt, etc.

More precisely, rustup can install and manage multiple Rust toolchains and presents them all through a single set of tools installed to ~/.cargo/bin. The rustc⮳ and cargo⮳ executables installed e.g. in ~/.cargo/bin are proxies that delegate to the real toolchain.

rustup is similar to Python's pyenv⮳ or Node's nvm⮳.

Key rustup commands⮳ include the following:

# Rustup's help
rustup help

# Show the help page for a subcommand (like `toolchain`)
rustup toolchain help

# Show which toolchain will be used in the current directory
rustup show

# Update to a new version of Rust
rustup update

# Show which toolchain will be used in the current directory
rustup target list

# Overview of what is installed on your system
rustup toolchain list

# See a list of available and installed components.
rustup component list

Rustup also offers convenience commands:

# Open the local documentation in your browser
rustup doc
# May require `rustup component add rust-docs`