User Interaction
Recipe | Crates | Categories |
Ask for Confirmation, Selection, Text Input | ||
Display Progress Bars and Spinners |
Ask for Confirmation, Selection, Text Input
⮳ provides several different prompts, in order to interactively ask the user for information via the CLI.
It offers a range of built-in prompts for various data types, including text input, selections, confirmations, and password entry, simplifying the creation of interactive CLI applications.
use inquire::Confirm; use inquire::Select; use inquire::Text; // The `inquire`` crate is used for creating interactive CLI prompts. fn main() { let ans = Confirm::new("Do you want to proceed?") .with_default(false) .prompt() .expect("Failed to read input"); println!("You answered: {:?}", ans); // Prompt for the user's name let name = Text::new("What's your name?") .prompt() .expect("Failed to read input"); // Prompt for the user's favorite programming language let languages = vec!["Rust", "Python", "JavaScript", "C++", "Go", "Other"]; let favorite_language = Select::new("What's your favorite programming language?", languages) //.with_help_message("Hint: it is Rust!") .prompt() .expect("Failed to read input"); // Display the collected information println!("Hello, {}!", name); println!( "Your favorite programming language is {}.", favorite_language ); }
Display Progress Bars and Spinners
⮳ is a progress bar library for command line applications. It allows developers to easily create and manage progress bars, spinners, and other visual feedback mechanisms to display the progress of long-running tasks.
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use console::Emoji;
use console::Style;
use console::Term;
use indicatif::ProgressBar;
use indicatif::ProgressStyle;
fn spinner() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// `console` is a library for Rust that provides access to
// terminal features, like styles and colors.
// The terminal is abstracted through the `console::Term` type.
let term = Term::stdout();
term.write_line("Simulate the output of a compiler:")?;
// Print with styles / colors
"Target: {}",
// `indicatif` offers progress bars and spinners.
// Create a progress bar with an indeterminate length:
let pb = ProgressBar::new_spinner();
.template("{} [{elapsed_precise}] {msg}")
.expect("Failed to set progress style"),
// Simulate different stages of the compilation process
let stages = vec![
("Parsing source files", 100),
("Type checking", 300),
("Optimizing code", 500),
("Generating bytecode", 100),
("Linking objects", 300),
("Finalizing build", 100),
// Spawns a background thread to tick the progress bar
for (stage, duration) in stages {
pb.finish_with_message("Compilation complete!");
// Print with style
let cyan = Style::new().cyan();
println!("Executable: {}", cyan.apply_to("./target/debug/my_program"));
// Use emojis
println!("{} Done!", Emoji("✨", ":-)"));
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use indicatif::ProgressBar;
use indicatif::ProgressStyle;
fn progress() {
// Create a new progress bar with a length of 100
// This progress bar by default draws directly to stderr.
// If a non terminal is detected,
// the progress bar will be completely hidden.
let pb = ProgressBar::new(100);
// Set a custom style for the progress bar
// 40 characters wide and has cyan as primary style color and blue as alternative style color.
.template("{} [{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.cyan/blue} {pos:>7}/{len:7} {msg}")
for _ in 0..100 {
// Update the progress bar;
// Simulate work by sleeping for a short duration
// Finish the progress bar
pb.finish_with_message("done"); // or use .finish();
// Alternatively, you could wrap an iterator with a progress bar:
// use indicatif::ProgressIterator;
// for _ in (0..100).progress() {
// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50));
// }
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
Related Topics
- ANSI Terminals.
- User Directories.