String Concatenation
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Concatenate Strings |
Concatenate Strings
String concatenation is the operation of joining two or more strings together end-to-end to create a new, single string.
⮳ is a small crate for generically joining iterators with a separator.
fn concatenate_with_plus() { let a = String::from("hello"); let b = " "; let c = String::from("world"); let result: String = a + b + &c; // Note that `a` is moved here and can no longer be used println!("{}", result); } fn concatenate_with_format() { let a = String::from("hello"); let b = String::from("world"); let result: String = format!("{} {}", a, b); // or format!("{a} {b}"); println!("{}", result); } fn concatenate_with_push_str() { let mut a = String::from("hello"); let b = " "; let c = "world"; a.push_str(b); a.push_str(c); println!("{}", a); } fn concatenate_with_join() { let words = ["hello", "world"]; let result: String = words.join(" "); println!("{}", result); } fn concatenate_with_concat_macro() { let result: &str = concat!("hello", " ", "world"); println!("{}", result); } fn concatenate_with_concat() { let result: String = ["hello", " ", "world"].concat(); println!("{}", result); } use concat_string::concat_string; // The `concat_string!` macro concatenates string slices into owned strings. // concat_string! accepts any number of arguments that implement AsRef<str> // and creates a String with the appropriate capacity. fn concatenate_with_concat_string() { println!("{}", concat_string!("Hello", String::from(" "), "world")); } fn concatenate_with_push() { let mut a = String::from("hello"); let b = ' '; let c = 'w'; // Appends the given `char` to the end of the `String`. a.push(b); a.push(c); println!("{}", a); } #[allow(clippy::string_extend_chars)] fn concatenate_with_extend() { let mut a = String::from("hello"); let b = " world"; a.extend(b.chars()); println!("{}", a); } fn concatenate_with_collect() { let words = ["hello", " ", "world"]; let result: String = words.into_iter().collect(); println!("{}", result); } fn concatenate_with_collect_iter() { let words = ["hello", " world"]; let result: String = words.iter().copied().collect(); println!("{}", result); } use joinery::JoinableIterator; fn concatenate_with_joinery() { let words = ["hello", "world"]; // Join the words with a space separator let result = words.iter().join_with(" ").to_string(); println!("{}", result); } use std::fmt::Write; fn concatenate_with_write_macro() { let part1 = "hello"; let part2 = " world"; let mut result = String::new(); write!(&mut result, "{} {}", part1, part2).unwrap(); println!("{}", result); } fn concatenate_with_chain() { let part1 = "hello"; let part2 = " world"; let result: String = part1.chars().chain(part2.chars()).collect(); println!("{}", result); } fn main() { concatenate_with_plus(); concatenate_with_format(); concatenate_with_push_str(); concatenate_with_join(); concatenate_with_concat_macro(); concatenate_with_concat(); concatenate_with_concat_string(); concatenate_with_push(); concatenate_with_extend(); concatenate_with_collect(); concatenate_with_collect_iter(); concatenate_with_joinery(); concatenate_with_write_macro(); concatenate_with_chain(); }
Related Topics
- Strings.