Environment variables
⮳ forks and supersedes dotenv
use std::env;
use anyhow::Result;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Load environment variables from .env file.
// Fails if .env file not found, not readable or invalid.
// If variables with the same names already exist in the environment,
// their values will be preserved. If multiple declarations for the
// same environment variable exist in your .env file, the first one is
// applied.
// OR: dotenvy::dotenv().ok();
for (key, value) in env::vars() {
println!("{key}: {value}");
To retrieve a single environment variable,
use std::env; fn env_extract() -> String { let log_env_var = env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|_| "debug".into()); println!("RUST_LOG: {log_env_var}"); let user_env_var = env::var("USER").expect("$USER is not set"); println!("USER: {user_env_var}"); // Inspect an environment variable at compile-time. // Uncomment to test. // let shell = env!("SHELL", "$SHELL is not set"); let optional_value = option_env!("SHELL"); optional_value.unwrap_or("no shell set").to_string() } fn main() { println!("SHELL: {}", env_extract()); }
Working with environment variables in Rust⮳
can deserialize environment variables into type-safe structs.
envy = "0.4"
serde = { version = "1.0.216", features = ["derive"] }
use serde::Deserialize;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Configuration {
port: u16,
fn main() {
let c = envy::from_env::<Configuration>()
.expect("Please provide the PORT env variable");
let c2 = envy::prefixed("MY_APP__")
.expect("Please provide MY_APP__PORT env variable");
println!("c: {:?} c2: {:?}", c, c2);
See Also
[environment_variables: interaction between config and env variables (P1)](https://github.com/john-cd/rust_howto/issues/271)