Web Serving


Serve data over HTTP.

The following table outlines common tasks for building web servers in Rust and relevant crates. The Rust web server ecosystem offers a variety of options, from low-level networking to high-level frameworks.

TopicRust Crates (Examples)Notes
Web Frameworks (Full-Stack)actix-web, axum, rocket, warp, tower-web (less actively maintained)These frameworks provide tools for building complete web applications, including routing, middleware, request handling, templating, and more. actix-web is known for its performance. axum is built on top of tower and hyper. rocket uses a more declarative approach. warp is a more lightweight framework. tower-web is a framework built on top of tower, but is less actively maintained.
HTTP Servers (Low-Level)hyperhyper is a low-level HTTP library that can be used to build custom web servers. Most frameworks use hyper under the hood.
Routing and Handling RequestsProvided by web frameworks.Web frameworks handle routing to map incoming requests to the appropriate handlers.
Middlewaretower, often integrated into frameworks.tower is a crate for building composable middleware. Many web frameworks integrate with tower or provide their own middleware systems.
Request HandlingHandled by web frameworks.Web frameworks provide mechanisms for handling incoming requests, parsing data, and generating responses.
Response GenerationHandled by web frameworks.Web frameworks provide ways to construct and send HTTP responses.
REST API DesignOften uses web frameworks and serialization crates.REST APIs are typically built using web frameworks and serialization crates.
Static File ServingOften provided by web frameworks or through crates like serve-static.Serving static files is a common task, often handled by the framework or a dedicated crate.

Choosing the Right Crates

Choose a web framework that fits your project's complexity and requirements. actix-web is popular for performance-sensitive applications. axum is a good choice for those familiar with tower and hyper. rocket is a good choice for smaller projects or if you prefer a more declarative approach. warp is very lightweight.

If your web server needs to interact with a database, choose a framework compatible with the appropriate database driver. Plan your authentication and authorization strategy in advance. You should also consider which templating engine (like Tera or Handlebars) works best with your web framework.



Actix Web

Batteries-included Frameworks

Other Frameworks

Implement a HTTP Server Using rocketrocketcat-web-programming cat-web-programming::http-server

Low-level Serving with hyper


Middleware is a powerful way to add functionality to your web server.

Cross-origin Resource Sharing

Implement CORStower tower-httpcat-web-programming

Static Website Generators



See Also

TopicRust Crates (Examples)Notes
Asynchronous Programming (Essential for Web Servers)tokio, smolThese asynchronous runtimes are fundamental for building efficient and scalable web servers in Rust. tokio is the most widely used.
Networking (Low-Level)tokio::net, std::netThese modules provide low-level networking primitives. Often used by higher-level frameworks.
Templatingminijinja, tera, handlebars, askamaTemplating engines are used to generate HTML dynamically.
Serialization/Deserialization (JSON, etc.)serde, serde_json, serde_ymlserde is a powerful framework for serializing and deserializing data, often used with JSON and other formats.
Databasessqlx, diesel, mongodb (drivers)These crates provide database access for various database systems.
Authentication & AuthorizationOften handled through middleware.Authentication and authorization are often implemented using middleware or dedicated crates, sometimes provided by the framework.
WebSocketstokio-tungstenite, async-tungsteniteThese crates provide WebSocket support.
GraphQLjuniper, async-graphqlThese crates enable building GraphQL APIs.
TestingBuilt-in testing framework, crates like reqwest for integration testing.Rust has a built-in testing framework, and crates like reqwest can be used for integration testing of web servers.