Watching for changes
Recipe | Crates | Categories |
cargo watch | ||
cargo limit |
cargo watch
cargo install cargo-watch
# Runs `cargo check` after every code change
cargo watch -x check
# Run cargo check after code changes.
# If it succeeds, it launches cargo test.
# If tests pass, it launches the application with cargo run.
cargo watch -x check -x test -x run
cargo limit
cargo-limit⮳ is Cargo with less noise: warnings are skipped until errors are fixed, Neovim integration, etc.
- errors have highest priority
- they never appear in the middle of warnings
- warnings are skipped by default until errors are fixed
- external path dependencies' warnings are skipped by default
- all messages come in reversed order by default to avoid extra scrolling
- messages are grouped by filenames
- number of messages can be limited
- after encountering first error the rest of build time is limited by default
- files can be automatically opened in your text editor on affected lines
This tool is especially useful in combination with cargo-watch
[watching_for_changes: expand (P1)](