Generate the Documentation

Use just doc to generate the documentation for

cargo doc --open does not seem to work when running from a Dev Container in VS Code; the script that opens URLs into an external browser (see $ echo $BROWSER) does not handle raw HTML. Use python3 -m http.server 9000 or live server to serve the files instead. See the doc recipe in justfile⮳.

Using a Dev Container Feature

Alternatively, use the "Desktop lite" Dev Container feature⮳ to install a light GUI manager. Add the following to devcontainer.json:

"features": {
    "": {}
"forwardPorts": [
"portsAttributes": {
    "6080": {
        "label": "desktop"

and the following to the Dockerfile⮳.

RUN apt-get update && export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && apt-get install -y firefox-esr

Optionally apt-get install xdg-utils to check that Firefox is the default for text/html:

xdg-mime query default text/html
# or for more details:
XDG_UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL=2 xdg-mime query default text/html

xdg-settings --list
xdg-settings get default-web-browser

Point your browser to http://localhost:6080 and use vscode as the password. Open the HTML file of your choice with:

xdg-open /code/target/bk/doc/deps/index.html

Other Methods to Preview the Documentation HTML

  • Right-click the /code/target/bk/doc folder in the VS Code Explorer view and select Download... or use VS Code's built-in Simple Browser command.
  • Or install the Live Server or MS Live Preview VS Code extensions.