Repo structure

  • The repo contains a book, which markdown sources are in the src folder.
  • After the book is built using mdbook⮳, the resulting HTML and Javascript are found in book/html.
  • The intermediate (processed) Markdown is in book/markdown. The mdbook⮳ configuration is in book.toml; the templates and assets are in theme and static respectively.
  • The Rust code is organized as a cargo⮳ workspace:
    • Examples that are embedded in the book are found in crates below crates/ex, named after sections of the book or grouping multiple ( categories of examples. Each example is in a single, short .rs file. The Cargo.toml within these crates list the dependencies used by the embedded examples. Use cargo add <crate> -F <feature> while in the appropriate crate folder to add more as required.
    • Additional examples that are too long or complex to be inserted in the book itself can be added under crates/xmpl.
    • crates/tools contains utilities to build sections of the book, for example some indices.
  • The Dev Container and Docker (Compose) configuration files are found in .devcontainer.