
Visualize the Structure of Asynchronous Tasks and Their Dependencies

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The await-tree crate provides a convenient way to visualize the structure of asynchronous tasks and their dependencies.

"The Futures in Async Rust can be arbitrarily composited or nested to achieve a variety of control flows. Assuming that the execution of each Future is represented as a node, then the asynchronous execution of an async task can be organized into a logical tree, which is constantly transformed over the polling, completion, and cancellation of Futures. await-tree allows developers to dump this execution tree at runtime, with the span of each Future annotated by instrument_await."

use await_tree::ConfigBuilder;
use await_tree::InstrumentAwait;
use await_tree::Registry;
use futures::future::join;
use futures::future::pending;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tokio::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::sleep;

async fn main() {
    // Create a configuration
    let verbose_flag = true;
    let config = ConfigBuilder::default()
    // Simply use `Config::default()` if you don't plan to use
    // `verbose_instrument_await` (see below)

    // Create a new registry, which can contain multiple await-trees
    let registry = Registry::new(config);

    // Spawn three asynchronous tasks, each in its own await-tree
    for i in 0_i32..2 {
        // Register an await-tree (identified by a key, here an integer,
        // but it could be a `String` or a custom struct)
        // and its root span
        let root = registry.register(i, format!("foo {i}"));
        // Spawns a new asynchronous task, instrumenting it with the root span

    // Let the tasks run for a while.

    // Print the await-trees:
    // foo 0 [1.003s]
    //   baz [1.003s]
    //   bar 0 [1.003s]
    //     pending inside bar 0 [1.003s]
    // foo 1 [1.003s]
    //   baz [1.003s]
    //   bar 1 [1.003s]
    //     pending inside bar 1 [1.003s]
    for (_, tree) in registry
        .sorted_by_key(|(i, _)| *i)

    // Alternatively, get a clone of a tree using its key:
    // let tree = registry.get(1).unwrap();

    // It is also possible to collect anonymous await-trees:
    // anonymous background task 1 [998.902ms]
    // anonymous background task 0 [998.902ms]
    for tree in registry.collect_anonymous() {

async fn foo(n: i32) {
    // Instrument futures with `instrument_await`

    // Spans of joined futures will be siblings in the tree
        bar(n).instrument_await(format!("bar {n}")), /* The span can be a
                                                      * String */
        baz(n).instrument_await("baz"), // or `&'static str`

async fn bar(n: i32) {
    // `pending()` creates a future which never resolves / never finishes -
    // useful for this example
    // When using `verbose_instrument_await()`, the span won't be displayed if the `verbose` flag in the config is set to false
    .verbose_instrument_await(format!("pending inside bar {n}"))

async fn baz(n: i32) {
    // Inside the scope of a registered/instrumented task, we can also directly
    // spawn new tasks with `await_tree::spawn` or `spawn_anonymous`
    // to register them in the same registry. Anonymous tasks don't belong to a
    // specific tree but can be printed via `collect_anonymous`.
        format!("anonymous background task {n}"),

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