Send, Sync traits

Send and Sync traitsstdcat-concurrency

Send and Sync traits

The Send and Sync traits are fundamental to Rust's concurrency. You can think of Send as "Exclusive access is thread-safe," and Sync as "Shared access is thread-safe."

A type is Send if it can be transferred across thread boundaries. Most types in Rust are Send by default, as long as they don't contain non-Send types.

Send allows an object to be used by two or more threads at different times. Thread 'A' can create and use an object, then send it to thread 'B', so thread 'B' can use the object while thread 'A' cannot. The Rust ownership model can be used to enforce this non-overlapping use. In other words, Send means that a type is safe to move from one thread to another. If the same type also implements Copy, it is safe to copy from one thread to another.

An important exception is Rc. By cloning, it allows data to have multiple owners. If one owner in thread 'A' could send the Rc to another thread, giving ownership to thread 'B', there could be other owners in thread 'A' that can still use the object. Since the reference count is modified non-atomically, the value of the count on the two threads may get out of sync and one thread may drop the pointed-at value while there are owners in the other thread. Therefore Rc does not implement Send.

A type is Sync if it is safe to be referenced from multiple threads simultaneously. This is trivial for immutable objects, but mutations need to be synchronized (performed in sequence with the same order being seen by all threads). This is often done using a Mutex or RwLock which allows one thread to proceed while others must wait. By enforcing a shared order of changes, these types can turn a non-Sync object into a Sync object. Another mechanism for making objects Sync is to use atomic types, which are essentially Sync primitives.

Arc is an Rc that uses an atomic type for the reference count. Hence it can be used by multiple threads without the count getting out of sync. If the data that the Arc points to is Sync, the entire object is Sync. If the data is not Sync (e.g. a mutable type), it can be made Sync using a Mutex. Hence the proliferation of Arc<Mutex<T>> types in multi-threaded Rust code.

T is Sync if and only if &T is Send.

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    // Using Arc (Atomic Reference Counting) and Mutex (Mutual Exclusion)
    // to safely share data between threads.
    let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

    let mut handles = vec![];

    for _ in 0..3 {
        let data = Arc::clone(&data);
        // Create 3 threads, each of which increments the shared data by 1
        let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut num = data.lock().unwrap();
            *num += 1;

    // Wait for all threads to finish
    for handle in handles {

    println!("Result: {}", *data.lock().unwrap());

Existing implementations of Send and Sync

Send and Syncprimitives; (T1, T2), [T; N], &[T], struct { x: T }, Arc, Vec, Box, Option (depending on underlying types); String, &str; Mutex, Atomic*...
!Send and !SyncRc, raw pointers *const T,*mut T, types from external libraries or the operating system that are not thread safe
Send and !Syncmpsc::Receiver<T>; UnsafeCell, Cell, RefCell: when a type has interior mutability, we must be sure that we mutate it from one place only, but this place can be everywhere as long as it is singular
!Send and Sync (rare)RwLockReadGuard, RwWriteGuard and MutexGuard; &mut T if T is !Send; structs which use thread-local storage and accesses that info in Drop

Implementing Send and Sync

As discussed above, Send and Sync are automatically derived traits. This means that, unlike almost every other trait, if a type is composed entirely of Send or Sync types, then it is Send or Sync.

If you want to work with non-Sync / Send types like raw pointers, you should build an abstraction on which Send and Sync can be derived.

Note that, by implementing the unsafe marker traits Send and Sync, you guarantee that your struct can be sent across threads safely. This means the usage of MyStruct must not cause data races or other thread safety issues. An incorrect implementation can cause Undefined Behavior. Caveat lector!