
Run the tool without arguments to display the the list of commands:

Tools to manage links, reference definitions, and code examples in Markdown files, especially `mdbook` source directories.

Usage: mdbook-utils [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  refdefs   Manage reference definitions
  links     Manage links
  markdown  Manage code blocks (embedded examples) and includes
  sitemap   Generate a sitemap.xml file from the list of Markdown files in a source directory
  debug     Parse the entire Markdown code as events and write them to a file
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -y, --yes      Automatically answer `yes` to any user confirmation request
  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

In turn, most commands offer a menu of subcommands.

Reference Definitions

mdbook-utils refdefs offers the following subcommands:

Manage reference definitions

Usage: mdbook-utils refdefs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  write   Write existing reference definitions to a file
  badges  Generate badges (reference definitions) for e.g. Github links
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -y, --yes   Automatically answer `yes` to any user confirmation request
  -h, --help  Print help

mdbook-utils links currently offers two main subcommands:

Manage links

Usage: mdbook-utils links [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  write-all     Write all existing links to a Markdown file
  write-inline  Write all existing inline / autolinks (i.e., not written as reference-style links) to a Markdown file
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -y, --yes   Automatically answer `yes` to any user confirmation request
  -h, --help  Print help


mdbook-utils markdown deals with fenced code blocks and includes:

Manage code blocks (embedded examples) and includes

Usage: mdbook-utils markdown [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  extract-code-examples              Copy Rust code examples from the Markdown into .rs files
  replace-code-examples-by-includes  Replace Rust code examples from the Markdown by #include statements
  replace-includes-by-contents       Replace #include statements by the file contents
  remove-includes                    Remove #include statements (and replace them by a hard-coded string)
  help                               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -y, --yes   Automatically answer `yes` to any user confirmation request
  -h, --help  Print help

mdbook-utils sitemap and mdbook-utils debug do not have subcommands.

Command-line options

Command-line options vary by subcommand and include -o to set the path of the output file; -m to set the path of the source Markdown directory (./src or ./drafts by default, depending on the subcommand); -c to set the path to the directory containing the Cargo.toml that declares the dependencies (Rust crates) used in your book; and -t to set the path to the destination directory.

-y is a global option that skips confirmation dialogs and is useful when calling mdbook-utils from a script.

Use mdbook-utils <command> <subcommand> --help or help <command> <subcommand> for more details.

The following illustrates options for mdbook-utils sitemap:

Generate a sitemap.xml file from the list of Markdown files in a source directory

Usage: mdbook-utils sitemap [OPTIONS]

  -m, --markdown-dir <DIR>  Source directory containing the source Markdown files
  -b, --base-url <URL>
  -o, --output <FILE>       Path of the file to create
  -y, --yes                 Automatically answer `yes` to any user confirmation request
  -h, --help                Print help