
Pull requests, comments, and issue submissions are actively encouraged!

Repo structure

mdbook-utils is written in Rust and follows the typical cargo package layout.

  • The source code is in the src folder. The main executable is in and the cli module. It calls the API in
  • A simple test mdbook book is found in test_book.
  • The user guide' sources are in user_guide.
  • The Dev Container and Docker (Compose) configuration files are found in .devcontainer.
    • devcontainer.json uses Docker Compose (configured in compose.yaml and compose.override.yaml), which in turn runs a container from Dockerfile.
  • .github contains the continuous integration (GitHub Actions) workflow.

Development Setup

Using VS Code

Clone the repo and open the folder in VS Code. Edit .devcontainer/.env if needed. VS Code should prompt you to open the code in a Docker container, which installs Rust tooling automatically. Make sure you have previously installed the following:

Note that opening the code folder in VS Code using Dev Containers may take a little while the first time around.


If you are not using VS Code, install the Dev Container CLI, use docker compose directly (see below), or simply install the required tools on your local machine.

The following works with Ubuntu (including WSL):

sudo apt-get update
rustup update
rustup component add clippy
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly
cargo install just
cargo install mdbook

Review .devcontainer/Dockerfile for other optional dependencies.

Build and test the code and user guide

The just command runner is configured to simplify compilation and testing.

Type just at a shell prompt for a list of commands:

just clean  # Clean Cargo's `target` and mdbook's `book` folders

just fmt    # Format all code

just check  # Check whether the code can compile

just build  # Build all code and books

just clippy # Scan all code for common mistakes

just test   # Test all code and books

just run <command>  # Run the tool

just doc    # Build and display the `cargo doc` documentation

just serve  # Display the user guide

just prep   # Run all the steps required before pushing code to GitHub

just update # Update Cargo.lock dependencies

Docker Compose

Test the Docker Compose setup used during development (which Dev Containers runs) with:

cd ./.devcontainer
docker compose build   # uses compose.yaml and compose.override.yaml by default
docker compose up -d
# or simply
docker compose up --build -d

Use the following commands to build and test the code and user guide using the Continuous Integration configuration:

docker compose -f .devcontainer/compose.yaml -f .devcontainer/compose-ci.yaml run \
--build --rm mdbook-utils

Publish to

  1. Manual method
  • Go to, sign in, and create an API token in Account Settings > API Tokens.
  • Use cargo login <token> to save the token in $CARGO_HOME/credentials.toml.
  • just build; just clippy; just run; just doc; cargo package --locked
  • Review the packaging output in /cargo-target-mdbook-utils/target/package or use cargo package --list.
  • When ready, cargo publish --locked --dry-run; cargo publish --locked
  1. Docker Compose method
  • Pass the script (and required argument -y) as a command to docker compose run.
  • Pass the CRATES_TOKEN env. variable (which is used by to Docker Compose using --env.
export CRATES_TOKEN="<token from>"
docker compose -f .devcontainer/compose.yaml -f .devcontainer/compose-ci.yaml run \
       --rm --env CRATES_TOKEN mdbook-utils .devcontainer/ -y