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Minikube Install on Windows

Install minikube on Windows

Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day.

  • For Windows, install VirtualBox or Hyper-V first.
  • Minikube is distributed in binary form: GitHub Repo. Download the minikube-installer.exe file, and execute the installer. This should automatically add minikube.exe to your path with an uninstaller available as well.
  • If needed, add C:\Program Files (x86)\Kubernetes\minikube or similar to the PATH (in System Settings > Environment Variables)
  • Test that minikube works:

More info at Getting Started

Install kubectl

Use a version of kubectl that is the same version as your server or later. Using an older kubectl with a newer server might produce validation errors.

On Windows 10 (using Git Bash):

curl -LO


Install Choco


choco install kubernetes-cli

Run kubectl version to verify that the version you’ve installed is sufficiently up-to-date.

kubectl version

Configure kubectl

Configure kubectl to use a remote Kubernetes cluster

  • If ~/.kube config does not exist (it should have been created by minikube), enter the following in Powershell:
cd C:\users\<yourusername>
mkdir .kube
cd .kube
New-Item config -type file
  • Edit the config file with a text editor of your choice.

  • Check that kubectl is properly configured by getting the cluster state:

kubectl cluster-info
  • Enable auto-completion (if you use Git Bash)
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
  • You must have appropriate permissions to list, create, edit and delete pods in your cluster:
kubectl auth can-i list pods
kubectl auth can-i create pods
kubectl auth can-i edit pods
kubectl auth can-i delete pods

Run kubectl from the Ubuntu on Windows command line

If installed by choco

export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin/kubectl

# then use:

Run minikube

Running Kubernetes Locally via Minikube

choco install curl
  • Test curl
  • Start minikube
minikube start
  • List hosts
kubectl get nodes
  • Test by deploying a container (creates a deployment / pod automatically)
kubectl run hello-minikube --port=8080
  • Provide a dynamic port to the container (creates a service automatically)
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort

We have now launched an echoserver pod but we have to wait until the pod is up before curling/accessing it via the exposed service. To check whether the pod is up and running we can use the following:

kubectl get pod

Once the pod is running, curl it:

curl $(minikube service hello-minikube --url)
  • Cleanup:
kubectl delete deployment hello-minikube
kubectl delete service hello-minikube
minikube stop

Install Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Download a binary release of the Helm client from here

  • Once you have Helm ready, you can initialize the local CLI and also install Tiller into your Kubernetes cluster in one step:
helm init

This will install Tiller (the helm server) into the current Kubernetes cluster (as listed in kubectl config current-context).

  • Install a test Helm chart, then clean up
helm repo update              # Make sure we get the latest list of charts
helm install stable/mysql
helm ls
helm status <release name>
helm delete <release name>